Company creation in Tunisia

Your business center puts at your disposal the skills of experts in business law.
As professionals in business centers, we offer to our clients personalized assistance for the creation of their offshore company as well as for the legal constitution for all types of entrepreneurial structures.
Our team counts among its professional members renowned for their competence in business law
By consequence, the legal team PBC is capable of assisting and advising you so that the work formalities get optimally executed.
Company status modification
The legal team PBC intervenes at all the stages of your company’s statutory creation, either it’s about SARL, de SUARL, de SA,… we respond to your requests in terms of expertise and legal advice.
As for statutory creation, PBC offers expertise and assistance to companies initiating statutory modification procedures regardless of the type of modification in question.
Our team of highly qualified jurists and financers advice and assist you during the following procedures :
- Processing your project and analyzing your needs
- The validation of the legal feasibility
- The recommendation of alternative solutions if needed
- Drafting of articles of association and rental contract
- Opening of unavailable bank accounts and capital release
- Request and withdrawal of the investment declaration with API, APIA, CEPEX
- Registrations of articles of association and rental agreement
- Registration of the company at the tax control offices (tax identification card and declaration of existence)
- Registration of the company with RNE
- Registration of the company with the Tunisian customs ( Identified as Douane)